Marina Levit

 I am a visual artist interested in exploring methods of representation primarily through painting and drawing. I enjoy examining themes of identity, queerness, feminism, and environment in my work. View my work on Instagram.

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From a Distance

This painting reflects the struggle of finding one's place in the world: a beautiful yet chaotic world at that. At the same time, this piece represents an emergence and a moment of transformation in one's life and surroundings.

Medium Acrylic paint on canvas paper
Dimensions 18x24 inches
Price Sold

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This painting explores the relationship between organic movement and architectural rigidity.

Medium Acrylic paint and coloured pencil on masonite board
Dimensions x18x24 inches
Price $300.00

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Queer Joy

All too often stories of queer individuals in media are centred around trauma and hurt. This piece works to disrupt this narrative by expressing queer joy in how it means to me. Through themes of nature, fluidity, layering, and transparency, this drawing celebrates queer existence.

Medium Graphite pencil and coloured pencil
Dimensions About 16x21 inches
Price $250.00

Forgotten Yellow Hat

This painting portrays my personal experience of moving to a new city for the first time, and all the loneliness and uncertainty that followed.

Medium Acrylic paint on masonite board
Dimensions Approx 18x24 inches
Price $250.00

Reweaving Minerva and Arachne

This is a weaved drawing meant to be a feminist retelling of the Greek myth about Minerva and Arachne. In this retelling, solidarity triumphs over jealousy and opposition.

Medium Ballpoint pen on paper
Dimensions 18x24 inches


April Carandang


Grace Baxal