Michelle Hermary
Metis artist Michelle Hermary, aka Vampiric Conure, has been painting and drawing since she was old enough to scribble. She specializes in animal and fantasy art, but has taken a move into Metis and other aboriginal-themed art.
Natural Métis
A Métis symbol hovers over a landscape depicting a bird and a series of Métis beading-style vine. It describes how nature and the Métis people are interconnected and have been for a long time.
watercolor, Gouache, colored pencils
Dimensions 6x4 inches (Plus wood-burned frame)
Price $50
White Buffalo
The peace pipe and the WHite Buffalo are important aspects of many aboriginal cultures. Here we celebrate them both.
Gouache, Pencil Crayons, Watercolor
Dimensions 8X10 inches
Price $50
Fish and Bear
Aboriginal-style figures of a bear and fish. One cannot have one without the other, interwoven as they are in nature.
Gouache, Pencil Crayons, Watercolor
Dimensions 8X10 inches
Price 50