Michelle Hermary

 Michelle is a devoted artist since she was a child. A fanatic of the weird and wonderful, Fantasy and animals are common themes in her work.
Email: vampiric.conure@gmail.com

Winter at 3 months old_pencil - M Hermary.jpg

Winter at 3 Months

I tried to capture my service dog's cuteness when she was only 3 months old, way back in 2019.

Medium Pencil
Dimensions 8.5 by 11 inches
Price $50

Winter at 1 yr 5 months_painting - M Hermary.jpg

Winter at 1 Year 5 months old

My service dog as an adult. She has a cheeky attitude and is always looking ta me, hoping that her trouble making will get my attention!

Medium Gouache and pencil crayon
Dimensions 11x14 inches
Price $70

Pride of the Prairie

A medieval inspired image of a flower on some grass.

Medium Gouache, Pencil crayons, watercolor
Dimensions 8x10 inches
Price $50

Bolivia in Gouache - M Hermary.jpg


Bolivia was one of my two original green cheek conures, way back in the mid 2000's. She died of unknown causes about 10 years ago and was compelled to paint her when flipping through old pictures.

Medium HIMI Gouache, pencil crayons and pencil
Dimensions 8.5 x 10 inches
Price $50

Dayflight - M Hermary.jpg


A daylight image of a Dragon in mid-flight.

Medium (s) Gouache, Pencil Crayons, Watercolor
Dimensions 14x11 inches
Price $70


Christine Leader


Doug Holroyd